
Admitted 国际学生

Admitted 国际 Student 下一个步骤

To join the Bobcat family, you have important next steps to take. 只需遵循以下步骤,为俄亥俄州的成功开始做准备. 请参阅我们的 虚拟访问机会 to talk with advisors, faculty and students. 您可以在线提问,接收电话或短信,或参加在线活动.

Submit required financial documentation for I-20 issuance在入学
Confirm your intent to enroll12月1日开始
Review merit scholarship notification从十二月开始
Send any additional test scores for scholarship consideration到4月15日
Choose a room in general room selection process5月20
Sign up for 国际 Student Orientation七月开始
Reserve interim housing for 国际 Student Orientation 如果需要七月开始
Sign up for Bobcat Student Orientation6月
Provide final official transcripts and transfer your credits前方向
Review student expectations and academic calendar在到达之前
Attend 国际 Student Orientation8月12-20
Pay fall semester account balance8月21日
Attend Bobcat Student Orientation日期即将到来
Complete online alcohol and sexual assault education coursesUpon receiving access to the modules




To get started, it is essential that you activate your 俄亥俄州 ID. You need your 俄亥俄州 ID to access your 俄亥俄州 email and the housing contract. 您的出生日期和您的个人识别(PID)号码(在您的申请确认信中提供)是您需要正式激活您的在线俄亥俄访问权限的所有信息, 包括电子邮件.

Make sure you check your 俄亥俄州 email regularly. 所有官方信件, 包括奖学金通知和你的1-20将被发送到你的bet8九州登录入口的电子邮件帐户.



Learn About Your Catmail Email Account

Complete Pre-enrollment Discipline and Criminal History Review


这个快速, 所有被录取的学生都需要简单的表格,这是我们承诺在bet8九州登录入口提供最安全的学习环境的一部分. 所需的入学前纪律和犯罪历史审查表可在您的 My俄亥俄州学生中心 and should be completed immediately. Disclosing a formal disciplinary action, charge or conviction does not automatically disqualify you from enrollment, but your disclosures will be reviewed. Based on your answers, we may contact you to request further information. 直到你填好表格, reviewed and cleared for enrollment, 我们无法签发你的I-20表格(非移民(F-1)学生身份资格证书), and you will be ineligible to register for classes.




bet8九州登录入口 is committed to an affordable college education. 我们致力于帮助我们的学生找到他们需要的经济支持,以发现他们在俄亥俄的承诺.

在秋季学期开始学习的国际学生自动被考虑 基于优秀的奖学金. No additional application is necessary. For priority scholarship consideration, 在提前行动截止日期(11月15日)之前提交完整的入学申请. 俄亥俄州可能会继续在全年的个人基础上使用更新的证书进行奖励.

奖学金 for 国际学生

Confirm Your Intent to Enroll

保留您已获得的奖学金,并收到国际学生迎新会和bet8九州登录入口学生迎新会的邀请, you will need to confirm your intent to enroll by:

  • Submitting the housing contract and $200 refundable deposit
  • OR Submitting the commuter application

高中毕业后在宿舍住不到四个学期或六个学期的新生或转学生必须住在校园里,并参加相关的膳食计划,除非他们符合以下规定之一 豁免标准. 完成一份住房合同在整个学年都具有法律约束力. 对于其他学生,提交最终成绩单确认其入学意向. Students who are not required to live on campus may still apply for housing.

你不需要知道你想住在校园里的哪里来完成一份住房合同. After completing the contract and selecting a meal plan, you will receive pertinent information about housing selection. 的 My俄亥俄州Roomie roommate matching service is available starting December 1. 当 you know with whom you want to live, you may select a roommate through Housing Self-Service beginning May 1. 的 general first-year room selection process will take place 5月20. (对于对性别包容住房感兴趣的学生和将参加体验生活机会的学生,将提供额外的选择日期, i.e. Fine Arts, Substance Free, Women’s Leadership and Honors Halls.)参观 Housing and Residence Life room viewing page 去看看每个房间的风格.

Submit Your Housing Contract and Deposit

请注意:如果您遇到技术困难,请在线访问住房合同, 请 email Housing and Residence Life 寻求帮助.

Get Details About Living on Campus and Interim Housing


View Housing Exemption Information



如果你不是美国人.S. 公民或永久居民,你需要签证才能在bet8九州登录入口学习. Most students are given an F-1 student visa; the I-20 form in your admission packet will help you get this visa. 你需要尽早计划你的签证申请流程,以确保你有时间准备来俄亥俄州. 计划8月9-11日到达.


Sign Up for 国际 Student Orientation


所有新的国际学生都必须参加8月份的国际学生迎新会. You will receive an email invitation to register for orientation online. Mandatory immigration paperwork check-ins are held during this event. 当您登记时,您将被分配一个特定的入境登记时间. You will also attend information sessions on legal, 健康和安全主题, and take English proficiency or placement tests, 如果需要.

你需要在学期开始之前到达,这样你就可以在所有宿舍开放之前获得临时住房. 取决于到达日期, 你可以住在学年分配给你的宿舍里,也可以住在临时地点.  

Learn About 国际 Student Orientation

Sign Up for Bobcat Student Orientation


For international students who have been 无条件地承认 to 俄亥俄州, Bobcat Student Orientation is also required in August. bet8九州登录入口学生指导(BSO)将你与你需要自信地过渡到俄亥俄州的人和资源联系起来. 教师, 工作人员和迎新指导会教你有关课程和专业要求. 

在入学前,你应该浏览一下bet8九州登录入口2024-2025年本科目录 (即将到来!) to learn about available courses. bet8九州登录入口学生指导包括注册课程和新生学习社区.

Learn More About Bobcat Student Orientation

Submit Final Official Transcripts and 转移 Your Credits


如果你提供了非官方的学习成绩来获得录取决定, you must provide official records prior to your first day of class. 你所就读的每一所中学或大专院校的正式学术记录都是必需的, 如果原始文件不是英文的,请提供经认证或证明的翻译件. 被认为是官方的, 文件必须通过邮件或快递发送,或将未打开的信封带到本科招生处,并由以下之一密封并盖章:

  • 你的学校或大学
  • Ministry of Education of your home country
  • EducationUSA or related binational organization

If you have earned exam credits (Advanced Placement, 国际学士学位, Cambridge A-levels) or taken previous university coursework, you may be granted college level transfer credit, provided you earn the necessary score. 转移你的学分, 你必须有一份正式的大学成绩单或分数报告,由大学或考试机构直接寄给本科招生处.

Learn More About 转移信用



要到达俄亥俄州的雅典,你将飞往约翰·格伦·哥伦布国际机场. 国际 students should plan to arrive August 9-11.


Review Pre-arrival Communications

Pay Your Fall Semester Account Balance


在My俄亥俄州学生中心,您可以查看帐户详细信息,帐户余额和付款选项. 您还可以指定授权用户,以允许其他个人查看您的帐户详细信息并进行支付. 





现在你已经准备好完成剩下的任务,以确保顺利过渡到你在bet8九州登录入口的第一天. This includes reviewing the course catalog, 启用网上服务, learning about student health services and insurance, and taking online alcohol and sexual assault education courses.

Get Details on Steps Prior to Beginning Classes